Saturday, August 28, 2010

Recoding Holtz 1994 Part 1

Ah, Holtz 1994.  The second detailed theropod analysis to be published (after Gauthier, 1986), Holtz's paper was the first to quantitatively support several standard hypotheses such as Elaphrosaurus as a ceratosaur, Dilophosaurus as a coelophysoid, Megalosaurus and Torvosaurus as basal tetanurines, Acrocanthosaurus as a carnosaur, and Compsognathus and Ornitholestes placed outside Maniraptoriformes.  It popularized the idea theropods with arctometatarsi form a monophyletic group, which Holtz named Arctometatarsalia. It also popularized the ornithomimosaur-troodontid pairing which Holtz named Bullatosauria.  The latter two ideas are not currently the consensus, with the usual rationale for Holtz's results being that he didn't include basal troodontids like Sinovenator, or basal tyrannosauroids for that matter.  I decided to test this by recoding Holtz's matrix using only taxa he did (so Troodontidae is only Troodon, Saurornithoides, Zanabazar, Borogovia and IGM 100/44 for instance).  As a reminder, Holtz's original tree was-

   |  |--Coelophysoidea
   |  |  |--Dilophosaurus
   |  |  `--Coelophysidae
   |  `--Neoceratosauria
   |     |--Ceratosaurus
   |     `--Abelisauroidea
   |        |--Elaphrosaurus
   |        `--Abelisauridae
            |  |--Allosaurus
            |  `--Acrocanthosaurus
                     |  `--Archaeopteryx

Note Holtz's use of Maniraptora and Arctometatarsalia differ from current definitions, where only dromaeosaurids and Archaeopteryx would be maniraptorans, while oviraptorids would also be arctometatarsalians.  And what does it look like after the recodings?


I find this interesting because while the basal placement of tyrannosaurids and content of Maniraptora and Paraves is like the modern consensus, so many other things aren't.  In fact, they're amusingly close to what Holtz was refuting- 'ceratosaurian' Torvosaurus of Britt 1991, basal coelurosaurian Acrocanthosaurus of Bakker et al. 1988, ornithomimosaur-like Elaphrosaurus, a rather PDW-like Intertheropoda...

Coming up next- what kind of coding issues are there, and just what percent were miscoded?

1 comment:

  1. The position of Elaphrosaurus in the new tree may be influenced by:
    -absence of several abelisauroid features in the original character list
    -presence of a basal paraphyletic pinnate series of large-bodied forms among Averostra that forces gracile-limbed taxa to be nested in Maniraptoriformes.
